The Yellow Ribbon Project

If you're walking about in Lot 450 and encounter some of these yellow ribbons, you may be wondering what it's all about...
If you’re walking about in Lot 450 and encounter some of these yellow ribbons, you may be wondering what it’s all about…
It seemed like a good idea at the time

Like many wonderful ideas, I can’t take credit for it.

In May of 2015 George Orchiston made a Freedom-of-Information (FOI) request to the Municipality of Powell River.

The intent was to obtain correspondence between the City and Island Timberlands, the Powell River Waterfront Development Corporation (PRWDC), and PRSC.  You can read all 89 pages of the official response to him here.

Shortly after Ellen Gould relayed that document to me, she crucially asked what I thought about the language contained in the timber harvest licences .  This happened while I was trying to map past forest logging from satellite imagery, Ellen was helping to map clearcuts in the field, trying to enlist legal opinion on behalf of the Powell River Forest Coalition.  Between us a crazy notion was born.

Some months later I’d managed to convince two other people of the beautiful irony of trying to save mature fir and cedar by decorating 15 year-old alder trees with yellow ribbons (think Charlie Brown Christmas trees).  We yellow ribboneers had great fun, donations paid for most of the cost of flagging tape, I thought some of the resulting photos were pretty good – and in the end the idea never really took off.

Except that the trees are still standing.  The legal timber harvesting rights of Island Timberlands are now a little clearer, even if the responsibilities of PRSC towards the people of Powell River and Tla’amin are not.  And that, I hope, may provide grounds for more informed discourse about what is possible for those lands.

So, because images can help put things in context, here’s the essential what, where and why behind “The Yellow Ribbon Project”.

Click on any thumbnail to invoke a full-screen slide-show…

Those bird nests again

Clicking on this image will open a new browser tab, where you can explore the various bird species that nested there.
You can also see the harvested cutblocks in 2015, Island Timberlands’ harvest plan for the area, and see who owns which land parcels.

Here’s another look at those bird nests confirmed during the 2015 breeding season.

In total, n=32 nests and 14 species, including my personal favorite, that lovely Brown Creeper on 16 May…I’d never seen a nest of that species before!

Although I found most of the nests, records were also supplied by Guy Monty, Robert Colasanto and Christopher Heffley – Thank You!

Be the raven…and stay watchful...